samedi 12 avril 2014

DAY 47

The 12 Ravisalayas where the subject of my ultimate day of shooting on location. Each one of these instruments points to a specific zodiac sign in the sky.

I discover this very small sundial on top of the Nadivalaya. With it if think i have discover all the hidden treasures of the place. 

These are the two pinholes through which the sun goes on the instrument from the latest post.


3 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

Magnifique cette pendule solaire, quelles émotions pour toi de pouvoir visiter et filmer tous ces instruments.

Anonyme a dit…

tu sais lire ?

pat a dit…

got to see the pinholes through which the image of the sun is then projected on the two parallel large scales seen on the last post... eureka!