mardi 11 mars 2014

DAY 15

Some more art galleries on my agenda today. I've seen some beautiful drawings by Picasso and Dali and SH Raza an indian painter. 

A word about swastika : I've heard dozen of time the story that Hitler took the "good" swastika (sinistrogyre, the one looking left) and transformed it into the "bad" one looking right. That's one more of these complete bullshit we are fed in our good old occident ! Even the french wikipedia is reporting this plain lie. Since i'm here i've seen hundred of them and not one is looking left. I don't know what this theory tries to achieve but it is just untrue. 

What is true though is that you can find Mein Kampf in every bookstore even the smallest one on the street, today only i've seen 5 of them. 

1 commentaire:

pat a dit…

wow! gOOd to know, thanks :)