jeudi 20 mars 2014

DAY 24

Rikshaws and the Human-GPS

I love rikshaws ! Every day i ride somewhere just for the pleasure of it. It has a very strange quietening power on me, no bad mood can resists it. The moment i sit on one the all world changes. 

There is two kind of rikshaw, the bicycle one and the auto-rikshaw that everybody here call an "auto". The first is for short ride of a block or two, the second can bring you anywhere in the city. A city that is so large that nobody could know it all. So when you go on a rikshaw the driver always agrees with your destination even if he doesn't have a clue of where it is. After a while he's gonna ask the way to another driver at a stop or even while driving, this other driver will show a general direction and the more you get near your destination the more the indications will be precise until you reach exactly the point. This is the human-GPS, everybody uses it, you don't need a map, you can see people everywhere giving direction to others. Very very efficient.

1 commentaire:

pat a dit…

ahaha awesome piece of music! i'm listening again & again & again :)