samedi 1 mars 2014


Ginger Day

Today is Ginger Day. I probably should have not been under the rain yesterday. I was so afraid of the heat that a catch a cold ! Nothing serious but i stayed home and cooked some ginger, which is the best medicine i now. 

I had time to go deeper in the Stellarium software and i realized that i was wrong 2 days ago about the sky being the same every year at the same date. It is true for distant stars but not for the planets of our galaxy.

Sure the Sun will be at the same place but all the others will not. And as the Mantar is not interested in distant stars i have to rethink the all thing again.

2 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

Pour soigner le rhume rien ne vaut une bonne infusion avec du schnaps !!!
Bisous et soigne-toi bien.

POL a dit…

je vais avoir un peu de peine à trouver du schnaps par ici... je vais continuer au gingembre, ça me réussit bien. bisoux.